魏师铎 1,2,3缑永胜 1,2,3,*杨阳 1,2,3冯鹏辉 1,2,3[ ... ]杨懿豪 1,2,3
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 超快诊断技术重点实验室,西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 中国科学院大学 材料与光电研究中心,北京 100049
针对行波选通分幅相机超宽画幅驱动需求,基于宽带多节威尔金森脉冲功率合成方法,设计了一款高压驱动脉冲源。基于有限元分析方法,采用仿真软件对脉冲功率合成电路进行了仿真,系统分析了端口驻波比、插入损耗、端口隔离度、幅相一致性等参数。根据仿真分析完成了脉冲功率合成电路研制,验证系统最终能够利用8路峰值电压为1.3 kV左右、脉冲宽度为3.5 ns左右、脉冲前沿在600 ps左右的单路脉冲合成峰值电压超过3.2 kV的高压脉冲,脉冲宽度在3 ns以内,脉冲前沿在600 ps以内。脉冲频谱范围在300 MHz到3 GHz范围内的两路合成效率为83.5%,特定频率下为88%,八路脉冲合成效率为58%,特定频率下可以达到68%。通过该电路合成的高压脉冲可用于驱动宽20 mm、长95 mm、等效阻抗6 Ω左右的微通道板实现选通成像,验证了基于宽带多节威尔金森电路实现脉冲功率合成,提高分幅相机驱动脉冲功率的可行性。目前基于该技术的高压驱动脉冲源已应用于I-MCP1.0型分幅相机。
分幅相机 超宽带脉冲 脉冲耦合 威尔金森功分器 超宽画幅 功率合成 微通道板 Framing camera Ultra-wideband pulse Pulse coupling Wilkinson power divider Super wide frame Power synthesis Microchannel plate 
2023, 52(9): 0932002
张宇驰 1,2,*田进寿 1,3薛彦华 1李知兵 1[ ... ]赵卫 1,2
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 超快诊断技术重点实验室,西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 极端光学协同创新中心,太原 030000
针对机载激光雷达对小型化、高灵敏度、高增益及高时空分辨条纹相机的需求,研发了一种高亮度增益超小型条纹相机及其新型集成控制系统。该相机相较现役条纹相机体积与重量减小2/3以上,具备高灵敏度、大探测视场、高亮度增益、高时空分辨率等特点。测试得到阴极积分灵敏度为268 μA/lm,亮度增益高达20.1,时间分辨率优于36 ps,其搭载的新型控制系统具备集成化程度高、抗电磁干扰能力强、兼容性高等特点,同时可将条纹相机扫描档位拓展至12路以上,并成功应用于西安光机所研制的5200、6200型等5款相机中。所研制的条纹相机已成功应用于激光雷达及激光聚变实验物理诊断中,运行良好。
条纹相机 控制系统 阴极灵敏度 亮度增益 集成度 兼容性 Streak camera Control system Cathode sensitivity Brightness gain Integration Compatibility 
2022, 51(10): 1032003
1 中国科学院 西安光学精密机械研究所 超快诊断技术重点实验室,西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
为解决采用Au光电阴极、开放式结构的分幅变像管探测效率低、稳定性差的问题,研制了一种采用CsI光电阴极的密封式分幅变像管。为了对比不同光电阴极对X射线的响应强度,密封式分幅变像管制作有一条Au微带阴极和一条CsI微带阴极。完成了密封式分幅变像管的结构设计、工艺制作和实验测试。研究结果表明:当加载半高宽度200 ps、幅值−2.7 kV的选通脉冲时测得其时间分辨为65 ps;在非单色高能X射线源照射下,CsI阴极的静态响应强度是Au阴极的3.4倍;大气环境中存储1000 h后密封式分幅变像管的静态响应强度仅降低到完成制作时的83%。上述结果表明采用CsI阴极的密封式分幅变像管具有更高的探测效率和稳定性,可有效提升X射线分幅成像质量和可靠性。
分幅相机 X射线探测器 超快诊断 激光聚变诊断 CsI光电阴极 framing camera X-ray detector ultra-fast diagnostics fusion diagnosis CsI photocathode 
2021, 33(9): 092001
王博 1,2,3白永林 1,2徐鹏 2缑永胜 2,3[ ... ]秦军君 1
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710119
2 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 超快诊断技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710119
3 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
理论估算并实验验证了在X射线脉冲激发下低温砷化镓的光学折射率调制特性。泵浦-探针实验表明,低温砷化镓中存在的高密度复合缺陷大大减小了载流子寿命,使超热电子的弛豫时间小于1×10-12 s,载流子的复合时间小于 2×10-12 s,折射率的扰动时间约为2×10-12 s。通过理论分析,给出了自由载流子和俄歇效应对该弛豫过程的定量估算,与实验结果吻合较好。该研究表明低温生长砷化镓是一种有效的可用于单次瞬态皮秒时间分辨X射线探测的材料。
低温生长砷化镓 X射线探测器 折射率扰动 皮秒时间分辨 low-temperature-grown GaAs X-ray detectors index perturbation picoseconds temporal resolution 
2015, 44(10): 3130
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 条纹相机工程中心,陕西 西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 西北核技术研究所 激光与物质相互作用国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710024
利用雪崩晶体管作为高速开关器件、根据并联充电、串联放电原理设计了一种串并联相结合的MARX电路,以该电路为基础设计了一种低抖动高压脉冲驱动源,并将其应用于紫外激光脉冲的电光开关削波系统。通过同步调节器调节高压驱动脉冲和激光电光系统的时间匹配度,获得了驱动电脉冲与电光开关耦合的最佳工作状态;对匹配过程中的电光开关工作状态以及激光脉冲压缩过程进行了分析和研究,当高压驱动电脉冲幅度为2 690 V,脉宽为7.9 ns时,可以将脉宽为7.1 ns的紫外激光脉冲压缩至2.1 ns,KDP晶体的透光率达到了92.2%,电光开关的效率达到了31.7%。
MARX电路 驱动电脉冲 紫外激光脉冲削波 电光开关 MARX circuit driving pulse UV laser pulse clipping electro-optical switch 
2015, 44(9): 2661
Author Affiliations
Time-resolved diagnosis of the transient process using X-ray frame cameras (XRCs) is an important means in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments. The sensitivity of the photocathode is a key parameter of the entire camera system. This letter aims to raise the quantum efficiency (QE) of the photocathode. With the changes in the deposition parameters, such as deposit angle, thickness of the coating in the channel, and vacuum of evaporation, the QE results are different. After testing and theoretical calculation, we find that there is a best matching value among these parameters. When the coating parameter meet this best value, the gain of the XRC can be improved significantly.
310.6870 Thin films, other properties 040.7480 X-rays, soft x-rays, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) 040.5160 Photodetectors 020.4180 Multiphoton processes 
Chinese Optics Letters
2011, 9(s1): s10309
Author Affiliations
High-speed dynamic spectrum data of transient detection has become the major means of access to transient information. However, in terms of the characteristic of spectral data excessiveness and transience in the dynamic spectral detection system, the linear charge-coupled device (CCD) used in the system should have real-time-output and match the high-speed data storage equipment. Based on the transient spectrum characteristic, we introduce a high-speed dynamic spectrum data acquisition system with a high-linear array CCD. Through the field of programming gate array, the system provides an accurate driving clock for CCD and generates the control signals for analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion, storage, and transmission. Finally, the collected data by the peripheral component interconnect bus are summarized and filtered in the host computer. The results show that the CCD can stably work with a 40-MHz clock, and the frame scanning frequency can achieve 73 KHz. This design can remarkably complete the real-time measurement of the denotation transient temperature and achieve high-speed spectral information collection and storage with high accuracy and frame scanning frequency. It can be applied to other transient information acquisition.
120.0120 Instrumentation, measurement, and metrology 300.0300 Spectroscopy 320.0320 Ultrafast optics 
Chinese Optics Letters
2011, 9(s1): s10308
Author Affiliations
The detonation temperature is measured both theoretically and experimentally by means of a complementary metal oxide semiconductors (CMOS) image sensor. An experimental system of multiwavelength temperature measurement based on CMOS image sensing technology is designed and realized. The instant spectral information of each moment is captured by row with the CMOS image sensor, depending on the unique characteristic of its rolling shutter. With the use of multiwavelength temperature measurement theory and by fitting spectrum emissivity through the regressive least square method, the color temperature of the detonation whose temperature is variable can be obtained continuously. The system is calibrated by measuring the standard spectrum of the laser. In our system, four time temperatures are measured within 10-μs detonation. Results show that the system has a higher measuring accuracy and speed, and can be applied in high-speed spectral information collection and storage during the detonation.
280.0280 Remote sensing and sensors 320.0320 Ultrafast optics 
Chinese Optics Letters
2011, 9(s1): s10304
Author Affiliations
The transit characteristics of gain electrons in the dynamic electric field in one micro-channel, the relation of the temporal resolution, and the gating electric pulse are discussed in detail. The simulation analyses provide guidance on how to select parameters of the gating electric pulse for designing the X-ray picosecond framing camera, based on micro-channel plates, especially with regard to the aspect of the temporal resolution of the camera. Certain experimental results are presented.
280.0280 Remote sensing and sensors 320.0320 Ultrafast optics 
Chinese Optics Letters
2011, 9(s1): s10301
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710119
2 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
3 西安理工大学应用物理系, 陕西 西安 710048
腔倒空技术是一种有效产生大能量、短脉冲激光输出的调Q技术,其产生的Q开关激光脉冲的宽度主要由谐振腔腔长决定。大孔径半绝缘GaAs光电导开关(PCSS)是一种可耐高压的光控开关,具有响应速度快、时间抖动小、耐压高、暗电阻大、导通电阻小等特点,将其直接作为控制腔倒空激光器的光反馈回路和高电压开关,在腔长为20 cm的氙灯抽运Nd:YAG电光调Q激光器上实现了激光波长1064 nm、单脉冲能量15 mJ、脉冲半峰全宽 (FWHM)为1.7 ns的腔倒空激光脉冲稳定输出,脉冲宽度峰峰值抖动优于7%,能量峰峰值抖动优于3%。
激光技术 电光调Q 腔倒空 稳定腔 GaAs光电导开关 Nd:YAG激光器 
2011, 38(5): 0502003

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